Skin Care Glossary
Refer to our skin care glossary to learn more about skin care.
Grade I |
Grade II |
Grade III |
Grade I is considered acne simplex, and may include open or closed comedones. Inflammatory lesions and cysts are not typically seen. Scarring is unlikely in acne simplex as the lesions tend to be superficial; however, patient excoriation may lead to hyperpigmentation or texture changes. |
Grade II is also considered acne simplex, and will include the open or closed comedones seen in Grade I, as well as papules and pustules. Cystic lesions and scarring are uncommon. |
Grade III is a form of acne vulgaris, where inflammation and bacterial lesions are typical. Open and closed comedones may also be seen, and scarring will be more likely than with the lower acne grades. Medical prescription intervention may be necessary. |
Grade IV sufferers experience deeper cystic and nodular lesions, as well as papules, pustules, and comedones. Scarring is very common due to the depth of the lesions. Medical prescription intervention may be necessary. |
Typical Sensitivity to Chemical Peels |
Stage I Aging “No Wrinkles” |
Moderate Stage II Aging “Wrinkles in Motion” |
Stage III Aging “Wrinkles at Rest” |
Stage IV Aging “Only Wrinkles” |
Ages 20-30 |
Ages 30-40 |
Ages 40-55 |
Ages 55+ |