Cutera Excel V+ at KUR Skin Lab | Thank You, Michelle!
We were stoked to welcome back the Cutera Expert Michelle for our 4th educational session and final practical training on the Cutera Excel V+!
We are ready to introduce new services:
- Laser Genesis V
- Micro-pulsed 532 nm Laser Green Genesis
- Excel V+ Skin Rejuvenation
Great thanks to Michelle for the tips and thoughtful guidance. You are the best!
Here are our professional KUR providers acing it!!
#KURSKINLAB #cutera #cuteraexcelv+ #excelv #excelv+ #trusculpt #trusculptid #greengenesis #trusculpt3d #lasergenesis #xeo #cuteraxeo #rosacea #acne #acnescar #acnescars #pigmentation #photodamage #melasma #hyperpigmentation #redspots #brownspots #sundamage #sunspots #spotremoval #pigmenttreatment #benignpigment #pigmentation #advancedaesthetics #cuteratreatments #skinrejuvenation #skinrevitalization