Emergency notice regarding our KUR Blog connected to our social media accounts

It is with great surprise, regret, and embarrassment to emergency notify you that one of our author accounts (accounts that are able to create and edit posts) for KUR Blog connected to our social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google+, and Pinterest) was recently compromised. Therefore, you may have noticed completely unexpected and unrelated or unusual posts from our KUR Blog, Facebook (business page), Instagram, Twitter, Google+ (brand account), and Pinterest (only the KUR Skin Lab board) relating to: casinos, Russian contents, laptops, homework, et cetera. If you in any way at all engaged or visited the links not originating from our official website attached to those posts, then we strongly urge you to check for any suspicious activities regarding your personal accounts for a minimum of three to four (3 – 4) months by updating your personal and sensitive credentials (usernames and passwords) to be secure, especially if you entered your personal and sensitive credentials (usernames and/or passwords) within the links not originating from our official website attached to those posts, and downloaded and ran anything with a non-verified publisher from the links not originating from our official website attached to those posts, because we cannot guarantee security within the links not originating from our official website attached to those posts, and those who compromise most often attack as soon as possible within a week and/or wait a few months to do so either for the first time or again. We deeply and sincerely apologize for any inconveniences we may have caused.

If you in any way at all did not engage or visit the links not originating from our official website attached to those posts, then any security issues you may face did not arise as a consequence of this. Our whole, official website is always protected by our secure, yearly renewed, SSL certificate (https). Your personal and sensitive credentials are safe, and our website has no capability of storing them in any way at all before or after this, which again, only affected the KUR Blog, Facebook (business page), Instagram, Twitter, Google+ (brand account), and Pinterest (only the KUR Skin Lab board), and nothing else beyond that, not even our book and shop online pages. In addition, the system we use for checking-out was not affected in any way at all, because it runs on a completely different system.

In light of this unsettling news, we were able to resolve this issue by deleting all of our inactive author accounts (accounts that are able to create and edit posts), especially the author account that was the root cause, and any unrecognizable code attached to all of our 2017 KUR Blog posts. This has become a valuable learning experience and lesson for us, and we have now become better prepared and aware. Moving forward, we strongly urge you to stay vigilant of any future suspicious activities, whether they may or may not be from us, and report them as soon as possible, because we are only strong together as a community.

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