Acne Control Treatment

Acne Control Treatment in Midtown East, New York City (NYC)

(65 min $195) Book Now

Acne is the most prevalent skin condition affecting not only teenagers, but many adults in their 20’s, 30’s, and beyond. Typically, acne develops in areas where there is an abundance of oil glands, like the: face, scalp, chest, back, and neck. While acne is common, it is variable and often requires a complex combination of treatment regimes.

Our Acne Control Treatment is tough on acne and gentle on the skin. The customized skin care, breakout-clearing treatment simultaneously addresses various causes of acne, leading to an even skin tone, clear complexion, and blemish-free skin. We infuse the skin with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and acne-controlling ingredients to eliminate existing blemishes, control sebum production, and prevent future breakouts. A treatment will be tailored to your specific skin condition, which may include: chemical peels, therapeutic masks, customized treatment serum infusion, retinoid enhancements or other advanced acne solutions that best address the unique needs of your skin.

Daily care is important to your success. Regular use of a simple, customized regimen will provide you with even more dramatic results. Let our licensed professionals recommend a daily routine to achieve your skin care goals.

Acne Grades

Grade I

Grade II

Grade III

Grade IV

Grade I is considered acne simplex, and may include open or closed comedones. Inflammatory lesions and cysts are not typically seen. Scarring is unlikely in acne simplex as the lesions tend to be superficial; however, patient excoriation may lead to hyperpigmentation or texture changes.

Grade II is also considered acne simplex, and will include the open or closed comedones seen in Grade I, as well as papules and pustules. Cystic lesions and scarring are uncommon.

Grade III is a form of acne vulgaris, where inflammation and bacterial lesions are typical. Open and closed comedones may also be seen, and scarring will be more likely than with the lower acne grades. Medical prescription intervention may be necessary.

Grade IV sufferers experience deeper cystic and nodular lesions, as well as papules, pustules, and comedones. Scarring is very common due to the depth of the lesions. Medical prescription intervention may be necessary.

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